In La Vila shopping center we work to offer the best place for your business, and in this case, we have developed our special:
Project Restaurant
In premises 3.3 and 3.4 of the central square of the commercial center, a project is being developed for improvement work, the purpose of which is to insert one or two businesses, depending on the area to rent, dedicated to the restoration. In this project, an extension of the premises 3.4 of SC: 71.46 m² has been constructed, this covered extension is totally conserved.
In addition, a part of outdoor terrace with pergola has been added from room 3.4 to room 3.3. This pergola, has a total SU of 52.13 m², and is divided between both premises, the local 3.4 has an area of 28.28 m² and the local 3.3, 23.85 m².
For any commercial information about this or to visit and know the project first hand, you can call our offices at: 971 22 22 80.